
Movement Self Love 

5 Week Online Course 

Learn to lead a life led by love and align every thought, belief and action you have with LOVING YOURSELF inside & out!!!

During this 5 Week Journey you will:

- Let go of limiting beliefs and habits that are not coming from a place of self-love 

-Create new self-loving beliefs about yourself 

-Enhance your sense of self-love and self-worth

-Understand the importance of caring for and loving your body, mind and soul

-Improve your body image and learn to love yourself wholeheartedly inside and out

What will you get?

  • X5  “Movement Self-Love Videos” to do at home (mixture of Yoga Flow, Body Weight Resistance & Cardio Exercises, Restorative Yoga & Meditation) designed to enhance your love for your body, mind and soul. 

  • X5 Guided Meditations 

  • Weekly Journaling activities and strategies to let go of limiting beliefs, to create new positive self-loving ones and to start to align your life with LOVE

  • Weekly tasks and tools to use for the rest of your life to destress by removing yourself from your mind (our mind is the place that makes up unhelpful stories about ourselves and our lives) and connect back to your heart where you find a sense of peace and self-love

  • All content is yours to keep for life 

How do you get started and when can you get started?

You can get started anytime!!

Why wait to start your self-love journey?

Why wait to experience the loving, happy and high energy life that you deserve to lead? 

Remember your thoughts, beliefs and actions create your energy and therefore your reality. It is your ENERGY that attracts what comes into your life. This is the “law of attraction”. 

If your thoughts, beliefs and actions are coming from a place of self-hate and unworthiness, you will attract those situations and feelings in your life. However, if your thoughts, beliefs and actions are coming from a beautiful place of SELF-LOVE & SELF-WORTH that is the energy you will attract into your life. 

When your energy is high and self loving and respectful you attract that loving high energy into your life in all forms too. How cool is that!!!

What do you choose?

Take your first step to a lead a life of love and GET STARTED NOW.

Cost? $55 inclusive of GST

“Mandy’s Movement Self Love videos are amazing. As a mother of a very soon to be teenager I will be encouraging her to watch these videos and to appreciate who she is inside and out. Self love is so important for all, but most importantly, at this tender age. I too now appreciate myself so much more and am encouraged to set a good example for my daughter. As the saying goes ‘Monkey See Monkey Do’. Well done Mandy you are such an inspiration to many.”

Liana, Hobart 

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