So we go about life thinking we have control over all of our actions and thoughts right? What if I told you that much of our lives was actually controlled by our deep subconscious programming. 

What does that mean? 

It means that there is a huge part of our brain that has stored memories, reactions, habits and thoughts that are actually governing much of our lives without our conscious control or awareness. 

Maybe think about that sentence for a while….

Here is some research by Dr. Lipton Author of “Biology Of Beliefs” that might help your understanding.

“We spend 95-99% in daily life operating from subconscious programming. This programming happens when we’re “open” (ages 0-6). At that age, we are like sponges, absorbing every little bit of information from our environment.  Including all the family dysfunction, teachers putting us down, rejection from loved ones, but we retain the good things too. By 6, we are fully programmed, and as we live and age, we continue to engage in behaviours aligned with our subconscious programming from ages 0 to 6. When we’re told we are not good enough, we play that out with 95 to 99% of our behaviours controlled by the subconscious mind, which is fully programmed by the time we’re 6 years old”.

That is crazy hey!!! So as an adult our “programming” is impacting MUCH of our lives right now. And as we age and we continue to repeat this programming over and over, without questioning it or becoming “conscious” of it we actually strengthen these beliefs. We strengthen the “good” and the “not so good”. 

Now here is a wild fact for you..

“By age 35, 95-99% of your thoughts and actions originate from the habitual programming of the subconscious mind, mostly happening from ages 0-6 when we absorb our environmental happenings like a sponge. This is a combination of memorised behaviours, emotional reactions, beliefs and perceptions, that run in the background like an app on your smartphone. Brain scientists report that we think between 12,000-60,000 thoughts per day, that 98% of them are identical to yesterday’s thoughts, and that 80% of your subconscious thoughts are negative.”

Does that freak you out a little? Well the good news is that simply by reading this you are starting to become CONSCIOUS of your subconscious mind. Understanding that exists is a HUGE moment of awakening and opportunity for taking control of your life. 

For me I spent so much of my life until my mid twenties very unaware of this thing called the “subconscious mind” that was controlling much of my life experience. Our internal world (our thoughts and beliefs) impact our view and experience of our external world. So what we experience in our “mind” we project out into our physical world around us. For example if we “feel unworthy” we will keep creating experiences in our lives that support that belief. 

I spent much of my life running the same pattern that “I wasn’t good enough”, “I wasn’t worthy of love”, “I was too fat/too ugly”, “I would never find love”, “It is weak to show emotions” … the list goes on. These programs and beliefs led me to live my life from a place of fear and unworthiness rather then a place of love and acceptance. This had a huge impact on many areas of my life. 

Some of you know of my body building journey, where I basically starved myself and over exercised in an attempt to “be loved”, be “good enough” and “find love”. This journey was powered by my “unhelpful programming” listed above. 

After a near death experience (yes my programming led me to serious self destruction) I had an “awakening”. From this time I discovered my subconscious mind and started my deep healing journey. 

Since then I have been fascinated and inspired to guide others on their journey of healing too. I went on to study NLP Therapy, Inner Child Healing, Breath Work, Energy Work, Meditation and Yoga which all personally guided me on my journey to becoming “conscious” and taking control back of my life and happiness!

And guess what? YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!

Our mind has been programmed so it can be “re-programmed” with positive thoughts, habits and beliefs that DO SERVE US!!! 

It takes time, it take us to focus inwards, it takes facing some uncomfortable emotions or times in our lives, it takes work, it takes commitment and it is all 100% worth it!!!

My life now looks and feels so much different internally and externally then it did 10 years ago when I was still unaware or “asleep”. Once you “wake up” you can never go back, you are always on a journey of raising your conciseness and improving your life and maybe even others at the same time. Cool hey!

I have spent the last 5 years of my life providing personalised one on one coaching for people who are ready to make a change. If this is you I would love to hear from you.

You are worthy of taking control of your thoughts and happiness. 

I believe you are worthy, do you? (really think about this question)

Sending love and power to you!

Mandy xxx

UNLOCK THE “MAGIC” OF YOUR MIND and book in for your FREE Intuitive Guidance & Coaching call.

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I have created the Intuitive Guidance Coaching & Healing Package to help women and men on the same or similar journey to HEAL and set themselves FREE.

I would be honoured to guide you on your journey xxxx

Mandy Francisty