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Nov 14th 2017

Today marks the day I begin my love of writing. The day I no longer keep resisting the calling, the day I no longer keep myself busy, the day I am no longer “too tired”, the day I finally step up and say enough is enough, today is the day I rise, the day I crack myself open and begin to heal. By writing I heal myself, I heal others and in turn heal the world. 


Why have I been resisting the calling deep down inside me for so long? Was I scared to see what lies within? Was I scared to shine my true light? Was I afraid of judgment, still living in my ego? Was I afraid to finally acknowledge and step into my true “life calling”? 


Whatever was holding me back is no longer there. Today I say F#CK it, no more hiding, no more fear, no more resistance. Today I LET GO and free myself, I free myself in hopes to free you also  as you read this today, as well as hundreds of others around us both. If this sparks just the smallest memory, thought or inspiration in you to make a positive change then that is all I am asking the Universe for. Let the ripple effect continue to spread across the world. 


If the people in the world that are beginning to awaken, raise their consciousness, raise their vibrations, shine their light, live their life purpose (whatever term you like to use) are to scared and frightened to be seen then how is the rest of the world going to awaken and be healed?


We need to step up and rise. And YES that means YOU to.


What are you afraid of?


Are you shining your light? Are you living your authentic self? Are you ready to remember who you always have been but just happened to lose somewhere along the journey of this lifetime?


If you are ready to step up, heal yourself, heal others and heal the world then read on. My hope is that through sharing my journey to coming home, to remembering who I truely am and remembering why I came back to earth for another lifetime I inspire and awaken something in you to do the same. 


I want you to know right now that I am still on a journey, a massive massive journey, in fact we have been on journeys all of our lives, but sometimes it takes a while, or for some even a lifetime to realise that we are even on this journey. When you finally start to wake up, you also awaken to your journey. No longer asleep, no longer scared, no longer resisting. 


When I look back on my journey of this life so far there were some significant times along the way that were shaking me and crying out for me to awaken. These times happened so that I would be put on the correct path in order to end up where I am today. These times were not always sunshine and roses, in fact they were far from it. Sometimes they are hard and scary as fuck. Some of the toughest times of my life I look back on now and realise they were some of the most important and significant times along my journey that were a catalyst for me to make a change, to awaken and continue on my journey home. 


I will be sharing with you my journey, past and present. Sharing with you what I have experienced and am experiencing, hopefully guiding you along your way, providing you with some comfort and support knowing that you are not alone on your journey. This wonderful journey of ups and downs, this journey we all need to stop resisting and allow to happen. A journey to healing and finding your true self. 


Always remember….


“By first healing yourself you can then heal others”. 

With Love & Light,
Mandy -xxx-

Kat Joyce