
Soul Purpose

The day you stop looking and searching for your soul purpose and the day you start doing things that light you up, is the day you find your purpose.

We spend too much of our lives worrying about the future. Worrying about where we are heading, worrying about our so called destination. So much so that we can often forget to enjoy the journey.

No one every said that your soul purpose had to have a name, had to have a label or had to be a career or profession. Your soul purpose is much deeper then that, and the way sometimes that you help share your soul purpose may be through the form of a job/career, but it is not the only way!

Why label yourself, or put yourself in a box? The same goes for your soul purpose. It doesn’t need to be put in a box, it doesn't need to be defined. It can grow, change and flow as you do also.

I am on my continual journey of peeling off my layers, my social conditioning that I have developed through the years, now awakened and ready to remove these limiting beliefs about myself and the world around me. Peeling off the layers to remember my true self, remember who I have always have been, but just forgot for a while.


Who am I? Honestly I still don’t know, and I have stopped searching for a label. I am ME. I am proud of every aspect of me, and I am always growing and changing. I am not the same right now as I was a minute ago. I am not the same right now as I was a week ago. I am definitely not the same as I was a year ago! It is exciting not putting myself in a box, not limiting myself to be just one thing. I am light and love, I am a soul, I am.......

As for my career... “what do you do?” People always ask me this. I am whatever I need to be for the person who shows up in my life. I show up as they need me, and as I need to be for myself also. I teach yoga, I do NLP therapy, I help people break through their limiting beliefs and social conditioning, I help people raise their consciousness, I help people find their true selves and share their love and light... and all at the same time I help myself do the same.

How can I put a label on that? And why should I?

Right now this is where I am at in my journey of life. Next month I might have found another way or passion that I love to help share my “soul purpose” to help me “serve” others. Just like this month I have finally remembered and reconnected to my love of writing that I had when I was little girl, writing to help heal myself and the world. I wonder where I will be in a year? What I will be doing? The opportunities are endless and the uncertainty is so exciting and liberating.

Let go of control, let go of needing to know where you are heading, stop searching and start growing and trusting and opening up to the universe and your higher self.

Find what lights you up daily and follow that path.

**What lights you up?
What can you do daily to light yourself up and to inspire others to light up also?

It Is Time To Own Being YOU

There is nothing more liberating as fuck then being and showing up as your true self. No hiding, no worries about others opinions, no fear of rejection, no fear of not fitting in.... basically no F#CKS given!!!

When you arrive at this place, this place of owning who you are, imperfections and all, this is when you will finally feel FREE. Free to live your life on your own accord, releasing any fear, embracing the uncertainty of life and embracing ALL of you, even your darkest shadows that you are yet to work on.

My hope is for each of you that are reading this to also reach this stage in your life. The stage where you can shine your true light and to keep on traveling on the journey of life, feeling liberated and empowered. Embrace vulnerability, embrace the unknown, embrace challenges, embrace growth and embrace change.

A part of shining your light is also to not feel like you have to dim your light in order to not make others feel small, in order to not stand out from the crowd, in order to not get attention.

NEVER dim your light for others. When you shine your light you will also inspire others to shine their light a little brighter too. If we are all dimming our lights, no one will lead the way to raise the consciousness and love on our planet.



Share your hopes and dreams, share your struggles, share your feelings, share your love, share your fears, share your light... be as vulnerable as you can be, as vulnerability is essential for connection. The connection to yourself and to others around you.

Be COURAGEOUS- “The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or changes of fortune with self-possession, confidence, and resolution”.

Be courageous and face your own dangers, fears and changes of fortune in life, with confidence. Own your shit, own your light and own who you are!!! 

With love & light, Mandy xxx 

Kat Joyce